We would love to see you all at the July WWBA Networking meeting at the UVU Wasatch Campus. Please let us know if you can make it.

Women owned and operated businesses in Wasatch County
We would love to see you all at the July WWBA Networking meeting at the UVU Wasatch Campus. Please let us know if you can make it.
We would love to invite you to our next WWBA Meeting on June 26 at 10:00 AM. We will be meeting at the UVU Wasatch Campus. Our group includes some of the most amazing women in our valley and we want to keep it that way. We went to keep our focus on supporting growth through networking and support. If you can demonstrate professional credibility through the registration, licensing or employment by an operating business in Wasatch County we want to work and support you! Please come on June 26th prepared to share a 3 minute or less elevator pitch about who you are and what your business is. We want to help each other grow and the best way to do that is to know how and where to send referrals.
We will be meeting at the UVU Wasatch Campus for our May Networking Mastermind. Please let us know if you are able to attend.
We are also expanding and will be working on a new group to support our youth through mentoring. Please share this out and invite any high school aged girls you think would like to participate.
Thank you,
We are so excited to roll this back out starting March 27! Plan the last Wednesday of every month starting at 10 AM we will meet for mastermind/goal setting and accountability followed by a networking lunch TBD. You can come to both or just one, either way we can’t wait to continue connecting!
Soldier Hollow Grill
Tuesday, April 11 at 10 AM
Email us at wasatchwomensbusinessalliance@gmail.com for more info!
Whether it’s called common sense, intuition, a gut-feeling, or playing the odds, there’s no denying that an instinct lies beneath our regular five senses. Throughout history, many have tapped into these hidden superpowers, and gained a path to success. This innate aptitude resides within us all. Come discover how you, too can develop this remarkable skill.
Location: 2 South Main Suite 2F, Heber City, UT 84032
Thursday April 19 at 6:00 PM
We are so excited about our new logo! Watch for this popping up on member websites in the near future!
We are so lucky to have Marge Bowen as a member of our Business Alliance but even more lucky to have her come and present to us on the Gift of Energy Medicine. Please join here and sign up at our eventbrite as well. Please join us, network and enjoy new knowledge and great company. Make sure to bring a friend!